The Perfect Summer Pasta

Pasta… a favorite for many and a year round comfort food. Yet, there are still ways we can adjust the recipes according to the seasons. For a summer appropriate dish, I made pesto pasta sprinkled with parmesan cheese. The pesto adds a summer staple by giving a fresh and captivating taste. For some extra summer flare, I used vegetable pasta which is also nice for adding those summer colors of orange, green, and yellow. To upgrade this recipe, I would recommend toping the pasta with sweet tomatoes. I usually would, but ran out this time! If you need more convincing, this is a quick meal that satisfies each time. My total cooking tie was just about 20 minutes and the steps are very minimal. Its a great meal to make in abundance for a summer gathering (even if in a social distanced manner!).

samira navas pesto pasta


  • 1 box of vegetable pasta
  • Barilla pesto
  • Parmesan cheese
  • Sweet tomatoes


  • Bring pasta to a boil on stovetop until tender
  • Drain the pasta, then put back into preferred bowl
  • Add in about 2 tbsp of pesto, or as you wish
  • Top with some sweet tomatoes
  • Sprinkle in some parmesan cheese
  • Serve

samira navas pesto pastasamira navas pesto pastasamira navas pesto pastasamira navas pesto pasta

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