Strolling through Versailles

The gardens of Versailles were beyond beautiful, and breathtaking. I wasn’t even able to walk through it all from how big it was. Instead, I sat down and took my time to enjoy those amazing views with a macaron, and a strawberry nectar drink in my hand. Here you can see what I decided to wear on that day. It was a bit cloudy, but the day did end up getting hotter than I thought it would, so eventually I took off the jacket. I was pretty excited to wear this outfit because I love these dark neutral tones. The jacket was casual and comfortable but at the same time added some glam.

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Dress: Kohl’s/ Jacket: Very J/ Sandels: Micheal Kors/ Purse: Louis Vuitton

2 responses to “Strolling through Versailles”

  1. theyounggentlemanweb Avatar

    This is amazing 😍

  2. Everyday Renee Avatar

    One of my favorite places in the world! Love the pic’s